Dr Charles Mahl
Doctor Mahl |
September 24, 2019

Medical advancements have made it possible to treat spinal stenosis without surgery. Today, there are many alternatives to manage this debilitating condition where the patient doesn’t have to undergo a potentially risky and expensive operation.

One of these alternatives is platelet-rich plasma prolotherapy or PRP in Miami.  Also known as regenerative injection therapy, this procedure works to repair ligaments that can arise from conditions like spinal stenosis.

What Happens When You Have Spinal Stenosis?

Spinal stenosis occurs when the spinal canal, with its nerve roots, becomes too narrow or too compressed. The compression or “pinching” results in some numbness and weakness, as well as pain in the back which could spread towards the legs.

The condition may be caused by a lot of factors like:

A patient suffering from spinal stenosis may struggle with the pain or experience the loss of bowel, bladder and sexual function. If left unchecked, spinal stenosis could lead to the development of foot disorders and other mobility problems.

Brief History of PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma Prolotherapy) for Spinal Stenosis

PRP was developed in the 1970s as a transfusion product for people with thrombocytopenia. Years after its development, experts learned that PRP had anti-inflammatory characteristics that helped with cell proliferation, according to the journal Skin Appendage Disorders.

Eventually, PRP therapy in Miami became a widespread treatment of choice for sports injuries among popular professional athletes. However, anyone suffering from spinal stenosis can benefit from PRP especially if they have recurring and nagging pain and discomfort on the back.

How Platelet-Rich Plasma Prolotherapy Works

As the name suggests, platelet-rich plasma prolotherapy is a procedure where concentrated platelets, which are more potent than normal blood cells, are injected in a specific body part. This enhanced concentration is extracted from the patient’s own blood through centrifugation using specialized equipment.

Once processed, this blood is injected with the help of a fluoroscope and an X-ray or ultrasound. The whole procedure may last for a couple of hours.  

Once inside the body, the platelet-rich plasma then attracts more cells to produce more blood and protein necessary for body repair. As a result, spinal stenosis pain and discomfort gradually disappear as the platelets stimulate growth of new and healthy tissues and ligaments.

 PRP in Miami

Platelet-Rich Plasma Prolotherapy Risks and Side Effects

Though generally deemed safe and less risky compared to surgery, patients who undergo PRP therapy in Miami may feel minimal pain in the injection site. They could feel some soreness around the site of the injection as well, which subsides within a couple of weeks after the procedure.

In some cases, a patient could develop a fever after the session, which might be a sign of other infections. If this happens, don’t delay a visit to the doctor for antibiotic treatment.

While still a new innovation in medical treatment, studies on PRP show promising signs. Experts in a study on the Journal of Spine Surgery cite that patients who had PRP experienced a significant decrease in pain following a six-month follow-up. They also reported no adverse episodes after the treatment.

More information about PRP in Miami:

If you are suffering from spinal stenosis, try the best PRP therapy being offered in Miami. GenLife Regenerative Medicine is a leading provider of regenerative medicine, including PRP, Prolotherapy in Miami, stem cell therapy in South Florida and Hormone Replacement Therapy in Miami. Our state-of-the-art facility will host you with warmth, comfort, a welcoming atmosphere and very friendly personnel!

To receive detailed information about PRP injections, contact our clinic directly at our toll-free numbers: (844) 859-7788 or (305) 332-7234.

The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.

Avoid surgery whenever possible. Control inflammation smartly, keep your weight down fuel your body right, take control of your hormones.

Dr. Charles F. Mahl MD FACS FICS FAAOM

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