Dr Charles Mahl
Doctor Mahl |
November 1, 2019

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a form of regenerative medicine which makes use of a mixture of the patient’s blood to help heal injuries. This blood is injected into the ligaments, tendons, joints and muscles to improve the patient’s musculoskeletal issues.

One common musculoskeletal condition is osteoarthritis of the spine or spinal osteoarthritis, which is prevalent among 40 to 85 percent of older people, according to the Current Rheumatology Reports. This is a degenerative joint disease is characterized by the breakdown of the discs and joints from the patient’s neck down to the lower back.

While osteoarthritis of the spine develops in old age due to wear and tear, it may also happen to people who have experienced physical trauma or are suffering from a genetic defect. Regardless, osteoarthritis of the spine leads to back pain or discomfort, or numbness and weakness of the arms or legs, according to WebMD.

Benefits of PRP in Miami for Osteoarthritis of the Spine

Platelet Rich Plasma in Miami offers patients a long-lasting solution without needing any surgery to eliminate the pain and discomfort of osteoarthritis of the spine.

While some consider PRP as an experimental treatment, a study in the Journal of Spine Surgery cited that PRP injections are a safe and effective treatment option for lower back pain. A previous study in the Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research also concluded that this injection is a good alternative for surgery or epidural steroids to treat a prolapsed intervertebral disc caused by osteoarthritis of the spine.  

PRP in Miami is a less invasive procedure that brings significant results. Aside from pain relief, this injection may also help improve the physical functions and mobility of the patient. Over time, PRP also helps the patient become less dependent on pain medication. This treatment will work even better with physical therapy.

platelet rich plasma Miami

How PRP for Osteoarthritis of the Spine Is Administered

The therapy may be administered after the patient has undergone necessary tests and diagnostic procedures to determine the extent of the spine osteoarthritis. The doctor will need to draw blood from the patient’s arm to prepare the plasma and platelets needed for the treatment. This blood sample will be sent to the laboratory for a 15-minute centrifuge, which would separate the red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma and platelets.

The sample will then be injected into the patient’s injured area. Before doing this, however, the doctor might need to apply anesthetics to numb the injection site. This whole procedure, including the patient’s recovery time will take about an hour to an hour and a half.

Expectations After PRP Procedure

The patient can go home after the PRP treatment and might be prescribed some pain medication. Resting and foregoing rigid physical activities are highly recommended for at least 24 to 72 hours.

After six to eight weeks, the patient may go back for an assessment of the treatment’s effects with the doctor. The patient may also schedule the next PRP injection, if necessary.

There is very little chance of complications and infection in PRP since the patient’s blood itself is being used for the treatment. The injection site, however, might feel sore for a couple of days.

More Information About Platelet Rich Plasma in Miami

If you are suffering from spinal stenosis, try the best PRP therapy being offered in Miami. GenLife Regenerative Medicine is a leading provider of regenerative medicine, including PRP, Prolotherapy in Miami, Stem Cell therapy in South Florida and Hormone Replacement Therapy in Miami. Our state-of-the-art facility will host you with warmth, comfort, a welcoming atmosphere and very friendly personnel!

To receive detailed information about PRP injections, contact our clinic directly at our toll-free numbers: (844) 859-7788 or (305) 332-7234.

The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.

Avoid surgery whenever possible. Control inflammation smartly, keep your weight down fuel your body right, take control of your hormones.

Dr. Charles F. Mahl MD FACS FICS FAAOM

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