Bone death or osteonecrosis happens when the bone receives poor blood supply. According to stem cell therapy experts in Miami, the limited flow of blood can lead to weak bones that are prone to breaking. Eventually, bone death follows.
Though this is considered a rare disease, data from the National Organization of Rare Disorders has shown that some 10,000 to 20,000 osteonecrosis or avascular necrosis cases are diagnosed in the U.S. every year. It mostly affects those between 30 to 50 years old.
Bone death may be a complication that arises from an injury to the bone. A dislocated or fractured bone can cut off the blood supply and limit blood circulation that can lead to osteonecrosis.
For some patients, the long-term use of corticosteroid medications may also bring about bone death. Therefore, experts in the journal Open Orthopaedics advise controlling the dosage of corticosteroid medications, if not withdraw the drug completely.
Bone death may also develop because of excessive alcohol consumption, which interrupts the proper flow of blood in the body. Some people may have osteonecrosis as a result of chemotherapy or radiation for treating other diseases.
Unfortunately, bone death is not a treatable condition and what doctors usually do is to slow down deterioration once it has been diagnosed. The patient may take medications to alleviate the pain or do mobility exercises to maintain the range of motion. Once the bone collapses, surgery might be necessary. However, studies are now looking into stem cell therapy to completely overturn the bone disease.
Stem cell therapy is a new approach to treating osteonecrosis. Extensive research has been conducted in this area for decades in animals and clinical approaches have also been conducted, according to a study in the journal Stem Cell Research & Therapy.
Such studies have shown that using stem cell therapy to treat bone death has generally resulted in positive outcomes, especially if caught early. It is both effective and safe for patients.
The therapy involves the use of stem cells from the bone marrow combined with platelet-rich plasma (PRP). The procedure is minimally invasive and patients can spend their recovery period at home.
Stem cell therapy for bone death is usually done on patients that may require hip replacement surgery. In fact, a 2014 study on the effects of stem cell treatment for avascular necrosis of the femoral head has shown that 86% of patients with the hip condition have experienced significant pain relief following the treatment. The patients also did not develop any untoward complications.
If you are suffering from bone death or osteonecrosis, consult our pain management experts at GenLife Regenerative Medicine, Miami Pain Clinic, the leading provider of regenerative medicine treatments, including PRP, Prolotherapy Miami, stem cell therapy in South Florida and Hormone Replacement Therapy in Miami. Our state-of-the-art facility will host you with warmth, comfort, a welcoming atmosphere, and very friendly personnel!
To receive detailed information about stem cell therapy, contact our clinic directly at our toll-free numbers: (844) 859-7788 or (305) 332-7234.
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